Our prices are fixed and unlike most other data recovery services we have listed them clearly on our website, so there are no hidden costs and no need to request a quotation.
Remember, there is no fee if we find we can't recover your data, we will just return your hard drive free of charge.
The pricing structure is based on the capacity of the media requiring recovery. The smaller the drive capacity the quicker it is to recover your data and therefore the cheaper the cost. The recovery charges include packaging and delivery of your media back to you once recovery is complete. The optional costs cover the purchase of a new hard drive to transport your data back to you should your original hard drive be unfit for reuse. To avoid the optional cost you could choose to send us a new hard drive with your old one which we would then use to copy the recovered data onto.
up to 320Gb
321Gb to 1Tb
over 1Tb


please contact us for more information.
If you have any queries about our prices then please don't hesitate to contact us.